Articles Posted in Dog Bites

Many new clients have questions about the statute of limitations and how it applies to their specific case.  In the realm of personal injury law, the statute of limitations is a crucial concept that determines the time frame within which an injured party can file a legal claim against the responsible individual or entity. In Colorado, the statute of limitations for car accident or truck accident cases is three years from the date of the crash.  However, if the crash results in a death, the statute of limitations is only two years.  The statute of limitations for most other personal injury cases typically stands at two years from the date of the injury.   There are certain exceptions and nuances that a competent lawyer should explain to you when seeking a consultation.  Here are some of the exceptions you should know about:

The Two-Year Rule

For most general personal injury cases, including slip or trip and falls, ski collisions, dog bites, and other non-automobile-related incidents, the two-year statute of limitations applies. This means that if you suffer an injury due to someone else’s negligence or wrongdoing, you have two years to initiate legal action against them. Failure to file a lawsuit within this timeframe could result in your claim being dismissed.

Dogs are often considered cherished members of our families, providing companionship and loyalty. However, even the most well-behaved dogs can sometimes behave unpredictably, leading to unfortunate situations like dog bites. In Colorado, understanding the laws surrounding dog bites is crucial for both dog owners and potential victims. This blog aims to shed light on Colorado’s dog bite laws, outlining the rights and responsibilities of all parties involved.

Colorado’s Dog Bite Statute – Colorado Revised Statutes §13-21-124

Colorado offers a few different avenues of recovery when it comes to Dog Bites.

A common question we get from a new client is “How long will this process take?”  Almost everyone wants to know the answer to this questions as very few people have experience to know and understand what to expect.  Your lawyer should take the time to explain the specifics of your case and what to expect along the way.  To start, a personal injury claim or lawsuit is a legal process through which an individual who has suffered harm or injury seeks compensation from the party responsible for the incident. While the pursuit of justice is essential, the timing of the process can be just as important. The duration of such a case can vary significantly based on several factors, and it is essential for anyone considering legal action to have a realistic understanding of the timeline. I hope to provide you with the key elements that influence the length of a personal injury lawsuit and provide insights into what to expect during each stage.

Pre-filing Investigation, Medical Treatment and Negotiations:

When a client first hires an attorney, there is typically an initial investigation phase. During this stage, the injured party, the attorney, and the insurance companies gather evidence, review medical records, interview witnesses, and evaluate the potential for a successful claim. Depending on the complexity of the case and the willingness of the parties involved to negotiate, this phase can last several weeks to several months.  Sometimes specialized experts get involved early such as accident reconstructionist, trucking experts, or architects and/or engineers.  With a serious injury case, you can expect this stage to last a year or more as ongoing medical treatment needs to be considered before any settlement.

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